Wednesday, January 21, 2009

PS - "Clutter" does NOT mean unsanitary

I apparently need to add a post script to my previous post. By the term cluttered, I mean that life has sprawled out beyond the boundaries of available storage. I AM NOT advocating unclean, garbage filled, unsafe, unsanitary living conditions. We have no garage, no entry way, no mud room, no basement, and no attic. There are less bedrooms than there are people and our school room doubles as our kitchen (and vice versa). I run my seamstress business out of my laundry room, which I work in from 9pm - 1am. So if you visit my house, the clean pots may still be sitting on the stove, and you will have to step over some toys to get to the couch. And if you stay for lunch, just move my teachers manuals over so you don't spill on them please, I'll pile them beside the computer in the corner at supper, when we are done with them! Oh, and I'll get to the laundry on the weekend, just ignore the baskets on the way to the CLEAN bathroom.

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