Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"I'll teach my child 100 words....."

There's a book I love reading to the children called "I'll teach my dog 100 words" It's a fun book to read, but it does make me think about our responsability as parents to our children.  How much easier life sometimes is when our children learn to talk!
You will see a new sidebar link, for a site called Pawz for Words. It is our new "School" project! We have been learning ASL as our second language componant, and I have seen so many wonderful things come from it.

So here's our plan. Over the remaining school year we plan to learn, and post 100 ASL words to this site in our dictionary. DD wants to practice photography so this is a great chance for her to do so. And the boys are excited about being a part of the "cast" in our video clips!

We have named our ASL puppet Leopawz, and he is the sites mascot and official hand signer!
The site has a Video/Photo dictionary, Links to resources, helpful hints for learning and a blog where I intend to post games and activities, kids crafts and new words once a week. We even hope to post a few Sunday school songs  and Awana Cubbie bible verses to the dictionary as well!

So if you have ever had interest in teaching a baby, toddler, preschooler or school aged child sign, I believe this will be a great place to start! Pawz For Words

(We plan by Sunday night to post the entire alphabet and babies first 5 words into the dictionary.)

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